Sunday, January 25, 2009

Covered Bridge Construction Update and Icy Roads Last Week

No idea why the dates are set European, but it's Jan 25, 2009, and this is what the (is it?) three months of "construction" have yielded. Doesn't look like much has happened. Maybe the "construction" was a ruse b/c the bridge was structurally unsound. Who knows. It'll be nice when this bridge is open once again.

Also wanted to note, in the spirit of my more positive/productive posts, that I was driving home from Elkton last Sunday or Monday or whatever day when it snowed all day long, and on the day it was coming down hard and the day afterward, the roads in Elk were always in better shape than the roads in Elkton/Cecil County and into East Nottingham Township and into the Borough of Oxford. The roads in Elk are almost always in better shape when it snows than in other places. There's often a good coat of salt and gravel already waiting before it snows. So good work, whomever plows and watches out for the roads.  

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