Sunday, November 16, 2008


213 and 19. Seems like there are several new homes for sale (not new homes, but newly on-the-market homes) as I drive around town. If memory serves me correctly we've had about 180 homes for the last few months, and this jump to over 200 is oddly timed in the sense that anyone looking to sell realistically would put their home on the market back in the summer. So why the extra inventory now, in late autumn, when no families will consider moving voluntarily (since their kids are in school--which is what the realtors tell us)? I'm wondering if we're looking at more inventory creeping into the market or we're looking at a few dozen new potential short sales or pre-FCs. I see some places selling--I've watched two sell in the last month or so--but where I've seen homes for sale since last spring, the signs are still out front and I notice that there are damned few open houses on Sundays anymore. Why waste a good weekend day?

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