Saturday, April 11, 2009

Brick Meetinghouse Road--Old Roads in the Area

Click in on Brick Meetinghouse Road, which is right above the marked A on the map.  OK, now scroll over to the left/west and follow Blake and then drop down to 273 just east of where it connects with 272 and you'll see another east/west Brick Meetinghouse Road. I'll look for an old map to see if I can show that these two "separate" roads with the same names and the same general directions were joined at one time.

OK, I found some info. This is from an email posted online for a reunion:

"I have just received information from the group planning the 300th
Anniversary of the Nottingham Lots on the grounds of the Brick Meetinghouse
(East Nottingham Monthly Meeting) in Calvert, Cecil County, MD (formerly
Chester Co., PA) on September 29-30, 2001. The grounds are just off MD 272,
on Brick Meetinghouse Road in the village of Calvert, a short distance north
of Exit 100 off I-95.

The celebration is being conducted by the East Nottingham Trustees,
caretakers of the Brick Meetinghouse at Calvert, MD, with the oversight of
the Oxford, PA Friends. Visitors from everywhere are welcomed.

This historic area was settled by a number of Quaker families during the
1700's and 1800's, originating from southeastern PA, West Jersey, New York
and New England. William Penn established the 37 Lots in 1701 (originally
in Chester Co., PA) and the area became "ground zero" for the land dispute
between Penn and Lord Baltimore which led to the drawing of the Mason-Dixon
line between PA and MD. Many Quaker families passed through here and
subsequently moved south to Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, and to the

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